Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Although I have attempted to be a dedicated blogger in the past, I have not been successful in that intention. Our Gut Brain Therapy for Migraine Prevention and our website (http://www.foreverwell.com/) has been primarily focused on the treatment of migraine. However our focus on the digestive system and the gut brain as a potential root cause of migraine has attacted many migraine sufferers who are also dealing with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or other digestive issues.

Therefore, I have decided that we need to focus on those who have some understanding of the comorbid conditions of migraine and irritable bowel. Many of you have commented to me, after reading our site, that you always felt a direct connection between your migraines and your gut. The gut brain research and the evolving field of neurogastroenterology, the study of the gut brain, will provide you with compelling evidence to support your "gut feelings".

Over the next 30-60 days you will learn a lot about our gut brain and the amazing links between your gut and your brain and why we believe there is solid scientific evidence to consider that both IBS and migraine have their root causes in the neurological tissues of the gut brain.

We hope you enjoy this blog and the evidence we present. While our discussion will be guided by the research and an in depth explanation of the enteric nervous system, also known as the gut brain, we will also do our best to respond to your comments and questions, so please do not be shy in sharing your thoughts.

The post below is a copy of my earlier explanation of how and why we developed Gut Brain Therapy for Migraine Prevention. It will give you a good idea of how and why we are presenting this new way of looking at migraine and IBS. You will find that we have done our best to combine the best of both worlds, both the philosophies of natural medicine and modern, university based, medical research. Thanks for taking the time to read our information. For more details on Gut Brain Therapy visit our website http://www.foreverwell.com/ .



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